Saujanya Exports

Acid dyes manufacturers

Our Products

Saujanya manufacturers and exporters in the sectors of pigments, plastic, textile dyes/dyestuff, natural/synthetic food colours and chemical intermediates. We believe in creating a unique image with our customers by providing the highest quality, cost effective products and services.

Direct Dyes

We are one of leading Direct dyes manufacturers, exporters and suppliers, which are also referred to as substantive dyes. They are anionic dyes with substantivity for cellulosic fibers. This is applied from an aqueous dye bath containing an electrolyte such as sodium chloride or sodium sulphate.


They have an affinity for a wide range and variety of fibers such as cotton, viscose, silk jute, linen and many others. In action, they do not make a permanent bond with the cellulosic fibers.

The ranges of direct dyes for cotton manufactured by our company are affordable, easy to apply and also yield very bright colours. They are directly applied to a substrate in a neutral or even alkaline bath to produce full shades on cotton and linen without mordanting. They can also be applied on rayon, silk, and wool to give bright shades. To enhance the wash fastness, various after treatments can be done on to the fabric.

Most of the direct dyes for cotton that we manufacture can be easily stripped off the material by the use of stripping salts such as the sodium hydrosulphite or simply using chlorine bleaching agent without any harmful effect on the fibers. 

Name of the Product C.I. Hue Name C. I. No.
Direct Sunfast Yellow TGLL
Direct Paper Yellow GL Direct Yellow 11 40000
Direct Chrysophenine G Direct Yellow 12 24895
Light Fast Yellow 2G Direct Yellow 44 29000
Supra Yellow RL Direct Yellow 86 29325
Direct Dyes Orange 2GS Direct Orange 34
Direct Orange 37- Direct Orange 37
Direct Orange 2GL Direct Orange 39 40215
Direct Red 16 H/C Direct Red 16 H/C
Direct Fast Scarlet 4BS Direct Red 23 29160
Direct Red F3B Direct Red 80 35780
Direct Red 5BS Direct Red 81 28160
Direct Light Rose FR Direct Red 227
Direct Violet MB Direct Violet 9 27885
Direct Helio B H/Conc Direct Violet 51 27905
Direct Light Fast Blue G Direct Blue 71 34140
Direct Blue RLL Direct Blue 80
Direct Turq. Blue 5BL Direct Blue 86 74180
Direct Blue 106 Direct Blue 106
Direct Turq. Blue FBL Direct Blue 199 74190
Direct Dark Green P Direct Green 1 30280
Direct Black 2B H/Conc Direct Black 22 35435
Direct Black NB Direct Black 38
Direct Black 56 Direct Black 56 34170
Direct Black OB Direct Black 80 31600
Direct Black 170 Direct Black 170
Direct Black 178 Direct Black 178
Direct Brown 1 Direct Brown 1
Direct Brown 4 Direct Brown 4